Leoline Cosmetology - Clinic of modern beauty and health, which combines premium care and injection cosmetology, hardware procedures for the correction and improvement of the face and body
We employ leading specialists in aesthetic cosmetology in Kyiv.
Botulinum therapy, Age Management, men's cosmetology, contouring, injection techniques.
Work experience - 22 years
Graduated from Donetsk State University (Department of Dermatovenereology).
Apparatus correction of the figure: Endosphere, Vip Line plus, STYX wraps and anti-cellulite / lymphatic drainage massages.
Work experience - 11 years
Member of the Association of Chiropractors of Ukraine. Certified specialist in the field of manual therapy and bone therapy. Work experience since 2012 both in Ukraine and abroad.
Graduated from the Dnieper Medical University. Has passed numerous seminars and congresses in the field of aesthetic medicine.
Work experience - 9 years
Higher medical education - National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets in 2015. Faculty - medical affairs. Specialization in family medicine and cardiology.
Work experience - 18 years
Higher medical education - National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets
Your safety is important to us, so all the procedures of the clinic are performed by the best doctors and professionals who are responsible for the quality and effectiveness of the services. We use only the best drugs and luxury products. The clinic is equipped with modern devices for body shaping, facial and body skin condition.
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It is extremely important that you feel cozy and safe when you come to us. For this purpose, we have created all the necessary conditions and taken care of your comfort.
Leoline Cosmetology is located in a quiet enclosed courtyard with its own parking lot
After the procedures, you can safely leave the center, get into your car, and be sure that no one will take you by surprise
We have our own terrace where delicious drinks, fresh fruit and other treats await you
© 2023. All rights reserved.
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